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7 PM – Intro To Java
December 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Create a Java file Dec2OOPHomework.java
- Copy the 2 methods from last week’s homework.
- Create method “run” which will display below menu continuously and depending on what the user choose, will either call “favoriteSport” or “convertFromFahrenheighToCelcius”.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 1
Enter a sport name: Basketball
Basketball is not my favorite sport.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 2
Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: 100
100 Fahrenheit is 37.77 Celcius.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 3
Bye bye