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12 PM – Intro To Java – Gamas
February 19, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Today We Do
- We continued with our Email Application.
- We added login feature.
- We started LoginMenu.
- Create a new class EmailMessage with the following attributes: senderEmail, sendToEmail, subject, content.
- Inside EmailApplication.java, add a new Map<String, EmailMessage> . This is where you need to store data when you create a new email.
- Add feature in EmailApplication to enable below features
Please select from below
1. Create an Email Account
2. Login
3. List all Email Accounts
4. Exit
Enter your selection:3
There are total of 3 email accounts in the system
1. Gamas Chang - gamas@ayclogic.com
2. Crystal - crystal@gmail.com
3. Jessica Sunjoyo - jessica@ayclogic.com
Please select from below
1. Create an Email Account
2. Login
3. List all Email Accounts
4. Exit
Enter your selection:2
Enter your login email and password
email: gamas@ayclogic.com
password: abcd
Gamas Chang, please select from below:
1. Check your inbox
2. Create new email
3. Logout
Enter your selection:2
CREATE EMAIL from Gamas Chang
Send To: crystal@gmail.com
Subject: Don't forget to do your Email homework
Content: Make sure you use Map to store data
You have successfully sent email to crystal@gmail.com
Gamas Chang, please select from below:
1. Check your inbox
2. Create new email
3. Logout
Enter your selection: