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5 PM – Intro To Java – Alex Lee
April 21, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Today We Did:
- We learned about HashMaps and how to store the information.
- Understood about the keys and values with it
- Started the RestaurantMap project
For Homework:
- First, create a new class in the package called “Restaurant”
- It should be created in the same way that you did Student and Teacher in the SchoolSystem
- It has four attributes, name, age, founding year, and cuisine.
- Make sure to create a constructor, getters, and setters.
- Once complete, go back to the add method in the RestaurantMap and create the Restaurant.
- After creation, store it inside a hashmap that you have to create. The key would be type String and the value would be type Restaurant