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5 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
September 25, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Write a python program that does the following output:
Welcome to the Bank!
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 1
Your current balance is $1000.00
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 2
Enter the deposit amount: $200
$200.00 has been deposited into your account.
Example 3: Making a Withdrawal
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 3
Enter the withdrawal amount: $300
$300.00 has been withdrawn from your account.
Welcome to the Bank!
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 3
Enter the withdrawal amount: $1500
Insufficient funds. Cannot withdraw more than your balance.
Welcome to the Bank!
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 2
Enter the deposit amount: $-50
Invalid deposit amount. Please enter a positive amount.
Welcome to the Bank!
Please select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Make a Deposit
3. Make a Withdrawal
4. Exit
Enter the number of your selection: 4
Thank you for banking with us!