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4 PM – Indo – Intro to Java – Joel
November 29, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Today we did:
- We continued learning methods.
- Continue with the SchoolSystem, and do the following:
- Finish making the attributes in the class. Remember that while in Python attributes are created in the constructor, you simply create them in the class in java. In this case, make all of these attributes private: Make a Scanner object, a menu (you can find below), and a list for teachers called teacherList.
- Since the run() method is the starting point of the program, make a while true loop, and inside the loop, print the menu and ask for input. If input equals “quit”, break out of the loop.
- Here is the menu (you can also use triple quotes for menus in Java):
\nSchool System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find student
Enter your selection (enter 'quit' to exit): """;