Learn to create stunning computer digital illustrations using iPad. Let your kids have fun learning to express their creative talent through digital drawing and illustrations. Your kids will be learning from artists who has done many beautiful

Instructor: Abigail Chang


Price: $25 / hour or $100 / month (4 weeks in a month)

Small online group class with live teacher: 4 to 6 students / class

Reserve your FREE Coding trial or call/text 626-532-7844 

What your kids will learn:

  1. How to use digital illustrations application like iBis Paint X.
  2. The kids will be learning the following concepts and applying them to illustration projects:
    1. Portrait (Face anatomy)
    2. Body anatomy (Stick-figures, and proportions)
    3. Poses Part 1: Drawing directly from reference
    4. Poses Part 2: Using multiple sources for reference and inspiration
    5. Coloring, Shading, Lighting
    6. Hands, Feet, Clothing, and Fabric


  1. iPad and iBis Paint X for iPad software installed. It is a free image editing software (there is ads supported). But if you want to buy the non-ad version, you can purchase iBis Paint for iPad .
  2. Recommended but not required: Stylus such as this . When choosing a stylus, remember to check if it is compatible if your iPad version.
  3. 6th grade and up OR completion of Beginner Digital Illustration course.

Sample Illustrations