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1 PM – Intro To Java – Alex Lee
October 1, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Today We Did:
- We reviewed the quiz that we took the week before.
- Able to finish it up and reviewed how to use HashMaps and deposit and withdraw money from the accounts.
For Homework:
- Create a new project called MonsterInheritance, this will be a completely new project.
- The first class we will create is going to be the MonsterSystem.java and in this, we will want to have the main method, run method, and also create a monsterMap.
- The monsterMap key will be the monster’s name which is a String, and the value will be the Monster class that we will also be creating for homework.
- Create a Monster.java class that will have 3 attributes which are int health, String species, and int maxDamage
- Make sure to create a constructor and also the getters and setters.
- Also create a menu and have it in an infinite loop. The expected menu is below:
Please select from one of the following
1. Add new monster
2. List all monsters
3. Play the game
Enter your selection (enter "exit" to quit):