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10 AM – Intro To Java – Gamas
March 26, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Today We Do
- We added PetSystem the ability to change name.
- We created PetCannotDoFetch class.
- I have uploaded all the latest PetSystem java files into Google Drive, please check it out if you did not have a chance to copy code during the class.
- If you did not finish last week homework, please finish it.
- Change the code inside PetSystem so when you add a pet it will ask whether or not the pet can do fetch, if it cannot then create PetCannotDoFetch class instead of Pet.
1. Add pet
2. List all pets
3. Find pet by name
4. Change pet's age
5. Change pet's name
6. Play fetch
7. Exit
Please make your selection (1-7):1
Pet Species: dog
Pet Name: Stich
Pet age: 6
Can this pet play fetch (y/n)? y
You have added Stitch as a Pet who can play fetch
1. Add pet
2. List all pets
3. Find pet by name
4. Change pet's age
6. Play fetch
7. Exit
Please make your selection (1-7):1
Pet Species: turtle
Pet Name: Slow
Pet age: 2
Can this pet play fetch (y/n)? n
You have added Slow as a Pet who can not play fetch
1. Add pet
2. List all pets
3. Find pet by name
4. Change pet's age
6. Play fetch
7. Exit
Please make your selection (1-7):6
Enter pet's name: Stitch
Enter object: stick
Stitch picked up stick and bring it back to you.
1. Add pet
2. List all pets
3. Find pet by name
4. Change pet's age
6. Play fetch
7. Exit
Please make your selection (1-7):6
Enter pet's name: Slow
Slow is a turtle, it cannot play fetch