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2 PM – Intro To Python – Gamas

November 13, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Today We Do
  1. We did Turtle project draw face2.
  2. We draw face2 continuously using different x and y coordinates.
  1. In this class you need to create a Python digital drawing project using Turtle module. This is 20% of your class grade. If you did not do well in your 1st and 2nd quiz, this is your chance to boost your grade.
  2. Before you do the turtle project, you first have to submit a proposal. Please create a drawing in a piece of paper, with colors in term of what you want to create. Take a picture of the drawing and email it to me at Sample of the proposal are like the following
  3. From these 2 proposal, you can see the python turtle result in this youtube recording:
  4. Please also review this project criteria:


November 13, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:
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