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2 PM – Python Game Dev – Gamas

June 15 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Today We Did
  1. We discussed about each team project and how to make them better.
  2. We continued with Shoot Balloon project.
    1. We enabled Game Win and Game Over page.
  1. Max
    1. Credit page
      1. Advisor: SEBASTIAN CEVALLOS
      2. School: American Young Coder
      3. Reposition the text to be on the top of the button
      4. Center the button.
    2. Change the game asset using
    3. Make the enemy able to move left and right.
      1. You need to change your Enemy sprite __init__ method to have
        1. min_x
        2. max_x
        3. direction
      2. Add code inside enemy.update() method so the enemy will move LEFT and RIGHT.
      3. When Enemy x < min_x change direction to RIGHT
      4. When Enemy x > max_x change direction to LEFT
    4. If you can make the body grows as you eat eggs.
  2. Merinda

    1. The landing page TAG, the color should be contrast.
    2. The credit text color has to be brighter and shift them up a little bit.
      1. Advisor: Sebastian Celavos
      2. School: American Young Coder
    3. After Game Over, display Play button so user can restart the game. Make sure to reset the time and player location and the Player IT when you restart game.
  3. Dereck
    1. Add gravity to the player. Look at code inside Flappy Bird.
    2. Inside player sprite __init__, add max_y param.
    3. Set initial value of max_y = zone_1_y. zone_1_y is the zone 1 floor y coordinate.
    4. and make sure when player.y > max_y change the player.y to max_y – 1. This will make sure the player does not fall bellow the floor.


June 15
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights