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5 PM – Python Game Dev – Darin
August 26, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Gamas Sub
- Dakota
- The explosion animation was not working.
- Reset player bullet when replay
- Chris
- Credit page was not done.
- Outline the key image to have bright outline so it is easier to find.
- Shoot Balloon project
- Balloon should not be resized
- Balloon hit box should only be the balloon portion.
- Explosion is not showing the point.
- Brandon
- Credit button half of it is not clickable
- Kill the sprite after they left the screen.
- Everyone in Shoot Balloon project
- Add count down on the screen. Look at how we did it in Flappy Duck project.
- Create Game Over page.
- Create Game Win page
- When count down goes to 0, check if score >= 5 then display Game Win page.
- When count down goes to 0, if score < 5 then display Game Lose page.
- go to loading.io and create your custom PNG loader image sequence and upload to “assets/loader” folder inside your Shoot Balloon project.