Today we did:
- We learned about classes in java.
- We continued with the school system.
- Continue with the school system. In the class, make sure to add the following attributes: firstName, lastName, age, email, subject. Make sure to declare the attributes, and initialize them in the constructor, just like with the student class. Also, create ‘getters’ just like with the Student class in order to make it easier to list all teachers later on.
- Add to the menu. It should look like this:
- “””
\nSchool System:
1. Add a student
2. List all students
3. Find student
4. Add a teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find teacher
Enter your selection (enter ‘quit’ to exit):\s””” - Finish 4 and 5 before next week. It should be similar to the process we did today.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at