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4 PM – Intro To Java – William

January 6, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Gamas sub

Today We Did
  1. We created SchoolApplication2 project.
  2. We copied all codes from SchoolApplication to this new project.
  3. We replaced studentList into studentMap and used firstName as the key.
  4. We added studentMapById and used studentId as the key.
  1. Add code to make the “8. Find student by studentId”.
  2. Replace teacherList with teacherMap and fix all the errors. Use teacher.firstName as the key.
  3. I want when the program starts, immediately add 3 students
    1. Gamas Chang, 12th grade, 18 years old.
    2. Vincent Chang, 7th grade, 12 years old.
    3. Leon Chen, 9th grade, 14 years old.


January 6, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:
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