Today We:
- Reviewed HW and got inspiration for how we can use OOP in games.
- Started on the MonsterSystem project.
- Continue in your file for the MonsterSystem project. If you are missing code or a file, look for the file in this google drive:
- We added some predefined monsters in our code already inside of the application loop method, just before we start the while loop.
- Your job is to implement selections 1 and 2.
- Selection 1 is where you an add a new monster object into the dictionary by getting input from the user.
- Selection 2 is where you list all the monsters in the system using a for loop.
- For both selection 1 and 2, refer to the past projects on how to add an Object into a dictionary to store, and how to loop through the dictionary to print out object values.
- Sample output:Please select one of the following
1. Add Monster
2. List all monsters
3. Play Adventure
Enter your selection (Enter ‘exit’ to quit): 2LIST OF ALL MONSTERS
Dragon – Health: 200 – Max Attack: 20
Troll – Health: 150 – Max Attack: 15
Please select one of the following
1. Add Monster
2. List all monsters
3. Play Adventure
Enter your selection (Enter ‘exit’ to quit): 1
Enter the species of the monster: Unicorn
Enter the health of the monster: 200
Enter the max attack of the monster: 20
Successfully added UNICORN into the system.
Please select one of the following
1. Add Monster
2. List all monsters
3. Play Adventure
Enter your selection (Enter ‘exit’ to quit): 2
Dragon – Health: 200 – Max Attack: 20
Troll – Health: 150 – Max Attack: 15
Unicorn – Health: 200 – Max Attack: 20
Email me at if you have any questions.