Today We:
- Reviewed the homework for TIY pages 162, 167
- Got started on the School Application project, further implementing object oriented concepts.
(1) IF you haven’t already:
- Do Try It Yourself page 167 numbers 9-4 and 9-5 in the same file as Sep16_ClassesHW.
- A default value means something like __init__(self, name, price = 10), where price is a default parameter when creating an object of the class (an optional parameter)
(2) MAIN homework, do the following:
- In your Sep30_SchoolSystem project, store the newly created s Student object in a list AND a dictionary.
- You have to create the list and dictionary in the __init__ method. You can do this like:
self.students_list = []
self.students_dict = {} - Add the s object into the list by use of students_list.append(s) and add the s object into the dictionary by use of students_dict[ {student_name} ] = s
Email me at if you have any questions.