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4:30 PM – Python OOP – Roland

April 4, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Today We Did

  1. Finished LibrarySystem Project
    • Fixed bugs in getting info from books and checking whether a books publishing year was before 2000
    • Find Book By ID
    • Super Secret Password mechanism to exit the program
  2. Reviewed How Dictionaries Worked
    1. Dictionaries are like lists except we don’t get items by their index, we use a special magic key that is connected to a value (which is usually an object)
      1. dictionary[key] = value


We are going to be starting the SuperMarket project!!!

Before next class please create two files:

One file should be named “” and the other file should be named “”

In the file, create a class called GroceryItem

Make this with this class we can store the attributes: name, price, frozen_food and make it so we can initialize them in the constructor (__init__)

(Feel free to add any more attributes or methods you want in the GroceryItem class but that should be the bare minimum)

Import this GroceryItem class from into at the top of the file using import 

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at


April 4, 2024
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
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