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5 PM – Intro To Java – Alex Lee
March 3, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Create a new project called Mar3Magic8Ball.java, and use a combination of Random module, while loop, if else statements to create Magic8Ball game.
- Look at below Python codes for your reference
import random
while True:
user_question = input("\nEnter your question? ")
if user_question.lower() == "quit" or user_question.lower() == "exit":
print("Bye bye")
random_num = random.randint(1, 8)
if random_num == 1:
print("It is certain")
elif random_num == 2:
print("Most likely.")
elif random_num == 3:
print("Signs point to yes.")
elif random_num == 4:
print("I don’t think so.")
elif random_num == 5:
print("Ask again later.")
elif random_num == 6:
print("Concentrate and ask again.")
elif random_num == 7:
print("Outlook not so good.")
elif random_num == 8:
print("My reply is no")