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5 PM – Intro To Python – Gamas

January 15 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

  1. Create Make sure the program can answer either Yes, No or Maybe
    1. Enter your question? Is it dark outside?
      Enter your question? Is it cold outside?
      Enter your question? Did Alyssa go to Italy during Christmas?
      Enter your question? Did Jayden go to Singapore during New Year?
      Enter your question?
  2. Create, Try not to look at your old grocerry shopping cart program
    1. What do you want to purchase: 
      1. Muffin - $10
      2. Pizza - $15
      3. Orange Juice - $6
      4. Donuts - $1
      5. Steak - $20
      Enter your selection 1 to 3 (Enter 'exit' for quit): 1
      You have purchased Muffin for $10
      What do you want to purchase: 
      1. Muffin - $10
      2. Pizza - $15
      3. Orange Juice - $6
      4. Donuts - $1
      5. Steak - $20
      Enter your selection 1 to 3 (Enter 'exit' for quit): 2
      You have purchased pizza for $15
      What do you want to purchase: 
      1. Muffin - $10
      2. Pizza - $15
      3. Orange Juice - $6
      4. Donuts - $1
      5. Steak - $20
      Enter your selection 1 to 3 (Enter 'exit' for quit): 3
      You have purchased Orange Juice for $6
      What do you want to purchase: 
      1. Muffin - $10
      2. Pizza - $15
      3. Orange Juice - $6
      4. Donuts - $1
      5. Steak - $20
      Enter your selection 1 to 3 (Enter 'exit' for quit): exit
      You have purchased the following items:
      Orange Juice
      You have to pay $31.
  3. Create
    1. Copy circle and rectangle functions from your castle project.
    2. Create a new function snow_man(x,y)
    3. Draw below


January 15
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights