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5 PM – Python Game Dev – Gamas

July 15, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Today We Did
  1. We reviewed each individual project.
  2. We continued on Shoot Balloon project by making balloon move from bottom to top.
  3. We reduced the Balloon hitbox so only the balloon that can be popped. The Balloon string is not part of the hitbox.

Continue working on your individual project according to the assignment listed in your project proposal.

    1. Chris
      1. Crop all the 16 player images using fire alpaca for Player animation. Make the player larger like 50 X 75.
      2. Make the background image larger 1000 X 750.
      3. Add animation for the player walking left, right, up and down. Look at how we did animation for dragon_birdie player.
      4. Crop the enemy images and put it in the project.
      5. Create create Enemy sprite.
      6. Make enemy appear on the screen.
    2. Brandon
      1. Put more description on your project proposal so people understand your game more.
      2. How to win the game.
      3. Add background image.
        1. Make the player move by AWSD
        2. Add player animation.
        1. Make the projectile appear from left or right.
        2. Make them move either going LEFT or RIGHT.
      6. Add collision detection between player and projectile. If a player get hit, make player’s health goes down.
    3. Dakota
      1. Add player projectiles.
      2. Add player and enemy collision detection. Increase score.
      3. Add score and display it on screen.
      4. Player and enemy projectile collision detection, Make player disappear.
      5. Player and enemy collision detection, Make player disappear.
      6. Change the player control to AWSD or arrow keys.


July 15, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights