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5 PM – Python OOP – Daniel

March 1 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Gamas Sub

Today We Did
  1. We continued with School System.
  2. We added Find teacher.
  3. We added Student.get_info() method.
  4. We added List all teachers older than 30 years old.
  1. Inside, add get_info() method which will return teacher’s information. This is very similar with student.get_info().
  2. Once you do teacher.get_info(), inside, utilize teacher.get_info() when displaying teacher’s information.
  3. Add new menu “8. List all students older than 18 years old.”. This is very similar to the new feature that we added today “7. List all teachers older than 30 years old.”


March 1
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Verified by MonsterInsights