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6 PM – Intro To Java – Bill
February 15, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Today We:
- Reviewed and/or operator (&&, ||)
- Learned about ArrayList/List
Your HW:
- Create a new file called Feb_15_IfHW2
- Ask the user for their grade (0-100)
- If the number is between 60 to 70, print “Your grade is D”. You have to use AND (&&).
If the number is between 70 to 80, print “Your grade is C”. You have to use AND (&&).
If the number is between 80 to 90, print “Your grade is B”. You have to use AND (&&).
If the number is between 90 to 99, print “Your grade is A”. You have to use AND (&&)
If the number is equal to 100, print “Your grade is A+, good job”.