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6 PM – Intro to Python – Daniel
October 2, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
What We Did
- Reviewed the robot builder and finished it up
- We learned how to make some more shapes and create a simple face
- Talked about project proposal and showed some examples
- Create a project proposal with these requirements and upload a picture of it to the homework folder
- It needs to have a combination of rectangles, circles, and polygons.
- It needs to have at least one text that is formed by a combination of rectangles or circles or polygons.
- It needs to have some part of the illustration that keeps changing the colors.
- The X and Y coordinates need to be between -500 to 500.
- The illustration needs to be fairly complex. If it is too simple, then you will not get the maximum grade.
- There needs to be at least 7 different objects/characters in the final project
- Most of the complex shapes have to be done via functions with coordinates and color as parameters. For example, draw_cloud(x,y, color), draw_tree(x,y, color), draw_airplane(x,y, color). The more functions like this, the higher your grades.
- No code duplication.
- The final result has to be the same as the proposal.
- If you have any questions, email me at dmeng@ayclogic.com