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6 PM – Intro to Python – Daniel
November 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
What We Did
- Went over the homework, drawing a letter w.
- We went over the polygon function, and talked more about what to add to the project proposals
- Create a file Nov_19_ShapesPractice.py and create a new function, letter_e and use rectangle functions to create it like we did in class. Create another function, circle. Next, call the letter_e function, so that it draws at -100, -100, and the color of the letter is blue. Call the function circle, so that it is at the center of the drawing and make it the color purple.
- Make any changes to your project proposals as needed.
- Jacob Feedback
- For your drawing, you can add maybe military vehicles, such as tanks, cars, or planes.
- You can add a military person in the picture too.
- Your word on the picture can be TANK, if you draw a tank in your picture.
- You can also add a background, like the clouds, birds, and sun.
- Rafael Feedback
- For your roblox drawing, the word is fine.
- You can add a face to your character
- Make sure to add more different objects, need at least 7 different ones. You can add a cloud, sun, birds, or any other roblox characters or items in the drawing.
- Felix Feedback
- For your drawing, it looks good, you can start thinking about the different shapes you can use for the things like, the mountain, turtle, cactus.
- If you have any questions, email me at dmeng@ayclogic.com