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6 PM – Intro To Python – Daniel

December 17, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Today We:
  1. Finished robux system
  2. Make sure to upload finished turtle projects
Your HW:
  1. Study for your final test on 12/19
  2. Study List:
    1. Turtle:
      1. draw more shapes/faces project
      2. kaleidospiral
      3. create functions for drawing things x, y parameters at LEAST
    2. Robux/Shopping Cart
    3. Misc Stuff:
      1. how do you get user input
      2. how do you continuously ask user for input to menu
      3. if statements
        1. elif
        2. else
      4. Functions
        1. parameters
        2. functions with return
      5. Lists
        1. How to add to lists
        2. how to print out lists (item by item in new line)
      6. Random
      7. String functions:
        1. all caps
        2. all lowercase
        3. all titled
      8. Data types:
        1. – what is the data type of:
          [1,2,3] []


December 17, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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