We won’t have class until January 2!!
What We Did Today:
- Review a little bit of the quiz
- Learnt about functions without return value, as well as what they are useful for
- Learnt about function parameters, how a function has to be called correctly with the proper number of parameters
- Used different conditionals inside of functions like an if statement
Create two separate files: Dec19_FunctionsWithoutRV_HW1.py and Dec19_FunctionsWithoutRV_HW2.py
- Copy codes from page 130 to 133 (test your code to make sure it works).
- https://www.ayclogic.com/list-inputs-if-and-else-loops-and-function/ number 4 and 5.
For number 5, combination of strings means doing something like “Adding ” + “Strings”
If you have any questions, do email me at ddjapri@ayclogic.com.