Today We Did – Review Day Part 1
The quiz is coming soon, so I feel that it is important to review some of the topics (Make sure to do the homework)
Topics to cover
- Notes to Review Homework
- f”strings” and string methods
- To put variables within f”strings” remember to use {}
- when creating a new line with \n, don’t put a space
- Ex. f”I like pie.\nPie tastes good.”
- .lower(), .upper(), .title(), .capitalize()
- Variable Types
- what is considered an int, string,boolean, list, etc and how to create one
- If,elif,else
- remember to indent and the colon
- Remember to use ==,>,<,<=,>=
- “and” or “or” for checking multiple conditions at once
- For loops and range (list navigation)
- how to write a simple for loop (Ex. for <variable> in <list_name>:)
- range() creates a list of numbers that you can use in your for loops
- range(int) will create a list starting from zero that is as long as the int
- range(int,int) will create a list starting from the first number and ending 1 before the second
- Inputs (Asking for a response for the user()
- input_value =input(prompt)
- While loops
- while loops can repeat code, but you need either a conditional or a break to end it
- Create a file and name it and do all ten problems
- Upload your answer to google drive before next week Wednesday night.
If you have any questions feel free to email me