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6 PM – Python OOP – Gamas
February 8, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- For everyone, including Vincent and Henry, add menu number 12. Find staff by name using List and 13 Find staff using Dictionary, Make the feature works, this is very similar to Find student. Also change Add staff to also add into
Please select one of the following
1. Add Student
2. List all students list
3. Find student
4. Add new teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find a teacher
7. List all teachers dictionaries
8. List all students dictionaries
9. Add staff
10. List all staffs using List
11. List all staffs that is younger than 20
12. Find staff by name using List
13. Find staff using Dictionary.
Enter your selection (Enter "exit" to quit):
- Find staff using list is very similar to find_student method.
- Find staff using Dictionary is very similar to find_student_using_dictionary method.
- For Vincent and Henry only, please do the following features in SchoolSystem project
- Create class_room.py and create ClassRoom class
- It should have these attributes
- class_name
- class_size
- type
- In main.py, add 2 more menus and add codes to make features number 14 and 15 to work.
Please select one of the following
1. Add Student
2. List all students list
3. Find student
4. Add new teacher
5. List all teachers
6. Find a teacher
7. List all teachers dictionaries
8. List all students dictionaries
9. Add staff
10. List all staffs using List
11. List all staffs that is younger than 20
12. Find staff by name using List
13. Find staff using Dictionary.
14. Add a class room
15. List all class room.
Enter your selection (Enter "exit" to quit):