hw implement the play() method so that a player can be initialized, and a monster menu is printed out forever for selection. Within the play method, after selecting the monster, if the monster exists in the system (by checking with the dictionary), print out an attack menu.
You can copy the attack menu from the following output example: Sample output:
Please select from one of the following
1. Add new monster
2. List all monsters
3. Play the game
Enter your selection (enter “exit” to quit): 3
What is your name: Darin
How much health do you want: 100
Darin has 100 health remaining.
Please select one of the following monsters:
– Regenerative Troll – 70 health
– Troll – 70 health
– Dragon – 100 health
– Water Golem – 50 health
Enter your selection (Enter ‘stop’ to end the game): ha
We can not find this monster in our system: ha
Darin has 100 health remaining.
Please select one of the following monsters:
– Regenerative Troll – 70 health
– Troll – 70 health
– Dragon – 100 health
– Water Golem – 50 health
Enter your selection (Enter ‘stop’ to end the game): troll
What do you want to do with the troll:
1. Magic attack
2. Melee attack
3. Arrow attack (5 -10 damage)
4. Heal
Enter your selection:
You don’t need to implement the attacks just yet. Just make it so that a menu is printed out and you can enter a selection if a monster is correctly selected.
You can email me at ddjapri@ayclogic.com if you have any questions!