Today we:
- Finished the How Old Are You? project.
- Do the Movie Ticket Price project
- Create a new project called Movie Ticket Price
- Add the sprite called D Money Dance. Change the sprite name to something else that is easier to pronoun like “Anthony”
- Make Anthony ask the user what their name is
- After that make Anthony say “Hello {user’s input}”
- Make Anthony ask the user what movie they are watching
- After that make Anthony say “{user’s input} is a great Movie !”
- Make Anthony ask the User their age
- If the User’s Age Input is less than 3 or their age is bigger than 59, Make the price of the ticket be free
- If the User’s Age Input is bigger than 2 and their age is less than 11, Make the price of the ticket be $5
- If the User’s Age Input is bigger than 10 and their age is less than 60, Make the price of the ticket be $10
- For all of those scenarios Anthony should say “Your ticket price is {price depending on age}”
YouTube Video of Project Working:
Email me if you need help: