Today We Do
- Reviewed Projects
- Talk about how to get quarter circles and half circles
- turltle.setheading(90) (rotates your shape 90 degrees as long as you don’t use turtle.goto)
Remember, you need something that changes color. To make that easier, make sure the thing you want to change color have a color attribute
So lets say you want to change the color of letters, make it so that your letters functions have a color attribute (i.e def letter_x(x,y,color):)
- Make Progress on your project
- Justin: Ocean Composistion
- Overall Good Image, but half of it is empty, lower the floor slightly, maybe add the top of the waves , add more of your fish
- Your letters (make sure there straight, update it to be cleaner, update it so you can change the color of your functions
- Your axolotol (probably your most complicated, a circle head and a few hand drawn items quarter circles, etc.)
- your fish
- your seaweed
- Your starfish
- your turtle
- your other objects
- Each of these should be a function, and most likely have the option to change location (x,y and color)
- Chloe: Mountain house with animals
- You got a basic structure down, now its time to draw
- Your letters (Made of Squares, circles, Polygons)
- Your mountains
- Your House
- Your two animals
- Your Sun
- Clouds
- Each of these should be its own function
- Note, your word should be a function and your letters be a function
- Example for the word mat
- def word(x,y,color)
- draw_m(x,y,color)
- draw_a(x,y,color)
- draw_t(x,y,color))
- Each of these should be a function, and most likely have the option to change location (x,y and color)
- Jacob: Moving Tanks
- So right now you need to add two more complicated objects and fix your floor, and fix some of your current ones
- Also, your project looks a bit empty now, considering adding trees, clouds, background images, more tanks/people
- More of a personal opinion, but make the words on your images either better /straight. Right now your W is above A and R