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6PM – Intro to Python – Joshua Widjanarko

February 6 @ 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Today We Do
  1. Reviewed Project (reminder it is due in next week)
  2. Grocery Store

Your Project is softly due next week. Finish it and look over your grocery program

  1. Below I have all the things you need to complete
    1. Justin:
      1. You need to fix your letter headings (remember, fix it in a test file alone and then move it),
      2. Fix the letter O (add a second circle the same color as background and keep it stable
      3. draw your axalotol,
      4. draw your turtle,
      5. draw seaweed(recommend multiple half circles)
      6. Make sure they change colors
    2. Jacob : Make your project more full of items. Half of it ( the bottom half) is only floor. Add Items to it to make it more full
    3. Chloe: Still got a lot of work to do
      1. Add your two animals
      2. Add trees
      3. Add sun
      4. Add background
      5. Add Clouds
      6. Make it full
      7. Add Letters
      8. Make letters Change color
  2. Make Progress on your project


February 6
6:00 am - 7:00 pm
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