Today We Do
- we learned about Java methods, with and without return values.
- Create a java file
- Inside this file, create a method
- favoriteSport(String sport)
- if the name parameter is “Volleyball” (non-casesensitive) print to the shell “Volleyball is a my favorite sport “.
- otherwise print to the shell “<sport> is not my favorite sport”
- Create another method, this time method with return value:
- convertFromFahrenheighToCelcius(int fahrenheit)
- it has one parameter: fahrenheit
- the formula to convert from fahrenheit to celcius is
- So what you have to do is subtract 32 from the parameter fahrenheit and then multiple with 5 and divide by 9.
- return the calculation.
- The method needs to return a double data type.
- Call each of the methods.
Additional Exercises (Optional)
- Inside, create method “run” which will display below menu continuously and depending on what the user choose, will either call “favoriteSport” or “convertFromFahrenheighToCelcius”.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 1
Enter a sport name: Basketball
Basketball is not my favorite sport.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 2
Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: 100
100 Fahrenheit is 37.77 Celcius.
Select below:
1. Enter your sport
2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
3. Exit
Enter your selection (1,2 or 3): 3
Bye bye