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7 PM – Intro to Java – Roland

May 22, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Today We Did
  1. Finished the rest
  2. Reviewed Map and HashMap.
    1. hashmap.get(key)
    2. hashmap.put(key, value)

Submit your file into the HW folder after finishing the following below.

  1. We want to add Map<String, Student> in our SchoolSystem
    1. Add “9. Find student using Map”. This is very similar to findAddressByName() which we did in the class (refer to the notes if you forgot)
      1. Implement the findStudentUsingMap() method
        1. This method should function the same as findStudent() (your choice if you want it to make it return a Student object or just print the Student’s information, just make sure the return type reflects that properly)
        2. It should ask for the user to provide a first and last name of a student, then use the map to search for the student
        3. the key for the hashmap should be a firstName + lastName
          1. ex. Student(“Gamas”, “Chang”, 100) = “GamasChang” is the key
  2. Upload your answer to google drive before next week Tuesday night.

If you have any questions feel free to email me


May 22, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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