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7 PM – Python Game Development – Sebastian

July 17, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Today We Did
  1. Reviewed how to use Gitlab & went over homework
  2. Learned how to change the size of an image by scaling
  3. Learned how to change the position of an image with attributes
  4. In case you need anything, feel free to email me at
  1. Remember to create good commit messages when you push your homework by next Sunday.
  2. Homework:a) The same way we created our birds 1-3, make a fourth bird using the fourth bird image

    b) For this bird, give it a variable x and y but this time it should start on the bottom right of the screen

    c) Change the x and y attributes for our new bird4 so that it flies from the bottom right to the top left

Code from class:

import pygame

class Birdie():
WIDTH = 1000
HEIGHT = 750

FPS = 40
def __init__(self):

self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((Birdie.WIDTH, Birdie.HEIGHT))
self.project_name = “Birdie”


# Loop until the user clicks the close button.
self.running = True

# Used to manage how fast the screen updates
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

self.background_image = pygame.image.load(“assets/background_img.png”)

self.bird1 = pygame.image.load(“assets/bird01_A.png”)
self.bird1 = pygame.transform.scale(self.bird1, (70, 50))

self.bird2 = pygame.image.load(“assets/bird02_A.png”)
self.bird2 = pygame.transform.scale(self.bird2, (140, 100))

self.bird3 = pygame.image.load(“assets/bird03_A.png”)
self.bird3 = pygame.transform.scale(self.bird3, (70, 40))

self.bird1_x = 50
self.bird1_y = 50
self.bird2_y = 200
self.bird3_x = 500

def game_loop(self):
# ——– Main Program Loop ———–
while self.running:
# — Main event loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.running = False


self.screen.blit(self.background_image, (0, 0))

self.screen.blit(self.bird1, (self.bird1_x, self.bird1_y))
self.screen.blit(self.bird2, (100, self.bird2_y))
self.screen.blit(self.bird3, (self.bird3_x, 450))

self.bird1_x += 1
self.bird1_y += 1
self.bird2_y += 1
self.bird3_x += 5

current_fps = str(self.clock.get_fps())
pygame.display.set_caption(f'{self.project_name}, fps: {current_fps}’)

# Close the window and quit.

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
sb = Birdie()


July 17, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Categories:
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