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7 PM – Scratch 1 – Julian
January 24 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Allison Sub
Today We Did:
- Reviewed angles in the mini-quiz
- Continued the Animal Race project
- Learned more about variables, such as how to add and subtract
- Learned about “broadcast” and “When I receive”
- Coded the Dog sprite to move and switch costumes when the player presses and releases the “m” key after the Cat says “Go!”
- Code the Bat sprite to move and switch costumes ONLY when the player presses and releases the “z” key. Make sure the Bat can move only after the Cat says “Go!”
- Hint: look at the Dog sprite’s code for help
- If you have any questions feel free to email me at jsaroufim@ayclogic.com