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9 AM – Python OOP – Indo – Gamas
November 4, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Today We Did
- We continued with SchoolSystem project
- We added List all students.
- After you are done with the homework, upload both teacher.py and oct_28_school_system.py files to google drive.
- Create a new file teacher.py
- Inside this file create a new class Teacher: name, age, phone, subject_of_expertise.
- And inside oct_28_school_system.py add codes to implement the following
Please select one of the following
1. Add Student
2. List all students
3. Find student
4. Add Teacher
5. List all teachers
Enter your selection (Enter "exit" to quit): 4
Enter Teacher Name: Gamas
Enter Teacher age: 100
Enter Teacher phone: 888-888-8888
Enter Teacher Subject of Expertise: Python
You have added Gamas as one of our teacher.
Please select one of the following
1. Add Student
2. List all students
3. Find student
4. Add Teacher
5. List all teachers
Enter your selection (Enter "exit" to quit): 5
Gamas is 100 years old. His phone is 888-888-8888 and he teaches Python.