Today we did:
- We worked on the balloon class.
- We made sure to have all colors of the balloon, as well as the update method.
- We created a balloon group in main, as well as the create_balloon function, and called them in the game loop.
- Choose the assets you want to use in your project.
- Make sure you’re NOT working on the master branch, but on your own branch.
- Make sure that in your Balloon class, you’re setting self.image to the random.choice(self.images), as this will create balloons with different colors.
- Create a new class called Target, and you can copy the code from another class. Load the red_star as the image. You can add or remove anything you feel you need to add or remove, but in the update function, you are going to take the mouse’s x and y and that will be the target’s x and y.
- In the main, create the target in the constructor with x and y arguments being the center of the screen, and put it in a single group (GroupSingle). Then simply call the update on the group in the game loop.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or Mr. Gamas at