6 PM – Minecraft Modding – Gamas
6 PM – Minecraft Modding – Gamas
Today We Did We added SaturnPandaHostile mob. Homework Spawn SaturnPandaHostile mob naturally in Dessert biome. Look at how we spawn SaturnPanda.
Today We Did We added SaturnPandaHostile mob. Homework Spawn SaturnPandaHostile mob naturally in Dessert biome. Look at how we spawn SaturnPanda.
Today we did QUIZ 2 Monday 7:00PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Nm9mpaXjjpK8akSC1v8YpnGMTX-FpTyD?usp=sharing AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.com Homework No homework!
Today We Did We made the projectile launch according to mouse direction / turret direction. Homework When tank change direction, we have to change the tank image to be facing UP, DOWN,Read More...
Today We Did: Started our first project: Dino Dance Implemented the dinosaurs and put in some music for our background Homework: Follow page 42 of your Scratch textbook If you don't haveRead More...
Today We Did 1 We learned how to create Streamlit page to test titanic survivorship model. Homework No homework
What We Did Today: Finished the School System project Went over object oriented programming concepts Contained the main file in a class Homework: In your school system project, implement the following: Homework:Read More...
Today We Did We continued with Titanic Survivorship project. We were able to create a diagram showing test data. We were able to test the model manually Homework Create a streamlit pageRead More...
Today We Started the Virtual Snow project. Homework Add the Snowman sprite to the project. You can find it in Scratch. You don't need to do any code for it. If youRead More...
What We Did Finished up the classroom class. Added the last selections, list all staff younger than 20, add classroom and list all classroom. Homework Review the School System that we didRead More...
Today We Did: Reviewed the practice final test Homework: Study for your exam next week! Notes: If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ddjapri@ayclogic.com
What We Did Today: Reviewed variables and data types Learnt how if statements worked Learnt how to use elif and else after if statements Learnt how to do comparison with == andRead More...
Today We Did Our final Exam .Good effort on everyone. If you need an extra retake, we will contact your parents for a review session.
Today we did Review final project Finish robux system project Thursday 6:30PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qlUjB3gRXHSK5kRzjKzDD2qIz-OqB2bK?usp=sharing AYC Logic’s observed holidays: https://www.ayclogic.com/observed-holidays/ In case you need anything, feel free to email me at sebastian@ayclogic.comRead More...
Today we did Turtle basics of drawing Reviewed Quiz Homework Create a new file “March6_turtle4ShapesHomework.py” Create a new function “draw_rectangle”. One parameter: pen_color. Inside the function, draw a rectangle shape usingRead More...
Today We Did We started School System We added Student class We added add new student and list all students features. Homework Add Find Student feature Please select one of the followingRead More...
Today We Did: Finished our drawing shapes project by adding the rectangle. Started a new project called animal crossing that introduced a new function called glide. Went over how coordinates work andRead More...
Today We We continued working on the Simba drawing. Homework Finish shading Simba with the airbrush tool. Use your reference window as a guide to know where to shade. Make sure youRead More...
Gamas Sub Today We Did We continued with School System. We added Find teacher. We added Student.get_info() method. We added List all teachers older than 30 years old. Homework Inside teacher.py, addRead More...