5 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
What we did Homework review If statements Homework Create a file named Mar3_IfElseHW.py Copy pages 79-81 from the textbook Turn it in a day before class If you have any questions, don’t hesitateRead More...
What we did Homework review If statements Homework Create a file named Mar3_IfElseHW.py Copy pages 79-81 from the textbook Turn it in a day before class If you have any questions, don’t hesitateRead More...
Homework Create a new project called Mar3Magic8Ball.java, and use a combination of Random module, while loop, if else statements to create Magic8Ball game. Look at below Python codes for your reference importRead More...
Homework Continue on Feb24_RobuxShoppingCart.py Add codes so your program can have these 2 features It will not allow to make purchase if you do not have enough robux You will be ableRead More...