5 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
What we did Homework review List intro Homework Create a file named Mar31_ListHomework.py Copy pages 38 to 41 from the textbook IMPORTANT: I forgot to mention this in class, but we don't haveRead More...
What we did Homework review List intro Homework Create a file named Mar31_ListHomework.py Copy pages 38 to 41 from the textbook IMPORTANT: I forgot to mention this in class, but we don't haveRead More...
Today We Did: We continued with the School System project. Added in listing out all of the students, teachers, and started finding the student. We also were able to load in theRead More...
Your HW: Continue working on your projects Make 2 weeks worth of progress because there is no class next week (04/07 to 04/09) because of Easter Weekend.