5 PM – Intro To Python – Shawn
What we did Homework review For loop with list intro Homework Create a file named Apr21_ForLoopListHW.py From the textbook, copy pages 54 and 55. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to emailRead More...
What we did Homework review For loop with list intro Homework Create a file named Apr21_ForLoopListHW.py From the textbook, copy pages 54 and 55. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to emailRead More...
Today We Did: We learned about HashMaps and how to store the information. Understood about the keys and values with it Started the RestaurantMap project For Homework: First, create a new classRead More...
Your HW: Continue working on your projects Schedule another 1 hour time slot where both you and your partner can meet on zoom to work on your project
What we did Dictionary review and practice Homework Create a file named Apr21_DictionaryHW2.py On page 99, do 6-1 and 6-2 in the TRY IT YOURSELF section. If you have any questions, don’t hesitateRead More...