American Young Coder (AYC)

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6 PM – Scratch 1 – Yitong

Today we: Finished the Mary Had A Little Lamb project. Started the Virtual Snow project. Homework: Add the Snowman sprite from Scratch (click on the cat button to add new sprites). MakeRead More...

6 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

Today We Do We started Python Digital drawing using Turtle. Learnt how to use turtle.goto() Learnt how to color our shapes Learnt how to use penup() and pendown() Homework Create a newRead More...

6PM – Digital Illustration 2

Today we continued the Wednesday Addams full body project. We added details to the clothes

6:30pm – Intro To Python – Roland

Today We Did Reviewed Lists Homework from Last Week Learned about for loops in Python Using for loops to iterate through lists Using for loops with ranges range(include, exclude) & range(number) Using a rangeRead More...

7 PM – Scratch 2 – Yitong

Today we: Finished the Jumpy Monkey project. Started the Fireball Fight project. Homework: Get a picture of your Left player and Right player. Get a picture of your Left player SMALL attackRead More...

7 PM – Intro To Python – Bill

Today We: Learned about and and or operators Your HW: Do page 117, TRY IT YOURSELF 7-1 and 7-2 Optional: Read pages 114-116

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