American Young Coder (AYC)

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5 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

What We Did Today: Made our code tidier by using a get_next_image method inside of the bird class Created our player class which spawns a player in our screen Made the playerRead More...

5 PM – Intro To Python – Gamas

Today We Did We learned about for loop We learned about Turtle Homework Create a new python file Draw 4 shapes according to below

7 PM – Intro to Python – William

Today We Did Reviewed Final Exam Notes Gamas will reach out to your parents to schedule a Final Retake. Wishing you the best of luck! If you have any questions, email meRead More...

7 PM – Scratch 1 – Abigail

What we did today  We finished working on the Ask Gobo project. We started working on the Funny Faces project. Homework Make the Hat2, Hair, Bow tie, Eyebrows, and Sunglasses sprite. TheRead More...

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