4:30pm – Python OOP – Roland
Today We Did Finished SchoolSystem Project List all staffs using List List all staffs that is younger than 20 Find a staff by name using List Find staff using Dictionary Started LibraryRead More...
Today We Did Finished SchoolSystem Project List all staffs using List List all staffs that is younger than 20 Find a staff by name using List Find staff using Dictionary Started LibraryRead More...
Today We: Continued the Fire and Ice project Coded the Instructions and Text Background sprites Began coding the Apple and Star sprites Homework: Code Darwin (the sprite facing to the right) toRead More...
Today We: Learned how to create functions Your HW: Create a new Java class <date>_MethodsHomework.java Create a new method convertFromFahrenheitToCelcius. It has one parameter int fahrenheit. Inside the method, it will convertRead More...