American Young Coder (AYC)

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4 PM – Intro To Python – Darin

YOU WILL HAVE YOUR SECOND QUIZ NEXT WEEK ON APRIL 15 What We Did Today: Prepared for the second quiz, went over some topics to prepare for the quiz, how to study,Read More...

5 PM – Python Game Development – Darin

What We Did Today: Changed the direction of the fireball depending on the player direction Made the birds disappear when the fireball collided with them Re explained why the timer works differentlyRead More...

5 PM – Intro To Python – Gamas

Today We Did We learned about drawing star and octagon using for loop going up and down. We learned how to draw star and octagon filled up color. Homework Create a newRead More...

7 PM – Scratch 1 – Abigail

What we did today We finished working on the Animal Crossing project. We introduced the Spiralizer project. Homework Make a sprite glide from one screen to another screen. When that sprite touchesRead More...

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