What We Did Today: Learnt about while loops using counter variables. Learnt about forever loops and using conditionals inside of while loops. Homework: Create one file named June13_WhileLoopsHW.py in Thonny as shown,Read More...
Today we did: We learned about incrementing, shorthand operators, if-else statements, f-strings, and logical operators. Homework: Create a new file called June13_IfElseHomework.py, and copy the codes from pages 79-81 in the bookRead More...
Today We Did Lists How To Create a list ( names = ) How to access data in the list ( names -> "Names_1") Delete with the del (del names) appendingRead More...
Your HW: Study for the Quiz next week If you haven't already, take the practice quiz from last last week for extra practice https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-ItfQEoc2YUTuUOUzMxdsU4OW3UPBdlGmoH49dUxQDU