American Young Coder (AYC)

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10 AM – Intro To Python – Gamas

Today We Did We learned about hexadecimal color and google color picker. We learned how to ask user for different face, nose and eye colors. We started adding body to the drawing.Read More...

10:30 AM – Intro To Python – Bill

Your HW: Study for the quiz next week Do this practice problem: Create new function with return value, called meter_to_cm 1 paramter, meters convert the parameter meters into centimeters (1 meter =Read More...

11 AM – Indo – Intro to Python – Joel

Today we did: We learned about elif, and built-in functions. Homework: Create a new file called, and copy the codes from pages 79-81 in the book (the PDF that was sent).Read More...

12 PM – Intro to Python – Joel

Today we did: We started working on the GroceryCartSystem. Homework: Use the code from the Google Drive (, and modify it by making two dictionaries, similar to how we did it inRead More...

3 PM – Intro to Python – Sebastian

What We Did Reviewed Homework using Random library and functions Went over bugs in python and steps to fix them Homework Create a file named and fix this code in theRead More...

6 PM – Scratch 2 – Abigail

What we did today We continued working on the Fireball Fight project. Homework When the Left Player Health equals OR is less than 0, Right Player wins When the Right Player HealthRead More...

SAT – 6:30 PM – Intro To Java – Shawn

Today We Did Learned HashMap Added HashMap to school system Homework Add "Find teacher by subject" with a HashMap in SchoolSystem Email me at if you have any issues.

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