4 PM – Python OOP – Darin
Today We Did: Continued learning about dictionaries, how to loop through them, and how to use if statements with them. Homework: Create a new file called Aug5_DictionaryCopyHW.py and upload it into theRead More...
Today We Did: Continued learning about dictionaries, how to loop through them, and how to use if statements with them. Homework: Create a new file called Aug5_DictionaryCopyHW.py and upload it into theRead More...
Today We Did: We reviewed each individual project. We continued on Shoot Balloon project by adding bad balloon variants, as well as sound effects Homework: Continue working on your individual project accordingRead More...
What We Did Today: Started on the Monster Inheritance project, implement all functionalities except for the play method(). Homework: Create the start of the play() method. After printing out the header "ADDRead More...
Your HW: Work on your projects (Week3 and before should be done) Will be Due Sep. 16