6 PM – Intro to Python – Joshua Widjanarko (Joel-sub)
Today we did: We redid the robot the right way using rectangle functions. We finished the entire head. Homework: Finish the entire robot minus the right and left arm. This means toRead More...
Today we did: We redid the robot the right way using rectangle functions. We finished the entire head. Homework: Finish the entire robot minus the right and left arm. This means toRead More...
What We Did We reviewed the homework, how to draw the letter E Worked with circle and learned extent and angle parameters Learned how to create functions for objects in the project.Read More...
Today we did Review the basics of functions Learn about how functions give output using return Mixed functions with for loops, lists, and if statements Thursday 6:30PM class code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qlUjB3gRXHSK5kRzjKzDD2qIz-OqB2bK?usp=sharing AYC Logic’sRead More...
Homework: Make sure to review the following topics: Variable If-Elif-Else, Input List (accessing from a list, adding to the list, getting the length of the list) For loops (For loop for aRead More...