American Young Coder (AYC)

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5:30 PM – AI / Machine Learning – Gamas

Today We Did We utilized our cat_vs_dog_model.pkl which we created inside Kaggle into a simple Python web application. We deployed our simple Python web application into cloud. Homework Change your server.pyRead More...

6 PM – Intro to Python – Daniel

What We Did We continued working with half circles Talked about projects, worked on where to go with drawing the objects. Talked about how to test and draw each object. Homework KeepRead More...

6 PM – Python OOP – Darin

What We Did Today: Successfully installed Python to use on our computers for PyCharm Reviewed concepts from Intro To Python Homework: Create a directory called test, and add 3 python files insideRead More...

7 PM – Python OOP – Darin

What We Did Today: Started on the Library System project Reviewed the homework for the School System application Homework: Continue on your Library System application in, and complete the following: #Read More...

7 PM – AI / Machine Learning – Gamas

Today We Did We utilized our cat_vs_dog_model.pkl which we created inside Kaggle into a simple Python web application. We deployed our simple Python web application into cloud. Homework Change your server.pyRead More...

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